Thursday, July 17, 2014

Alaskan Adventure - July 17. 2014 - Central Mission Assembly of God Church

From the rising of the sun to its going down The LORD’s name is to be praised. (Psalms 113:3 NKJV)

In Alaska, the Land of the Midnight sun, that verse takes on a whole new meaning.

The LORD'S name be praised continually!

We are losing daylight a little each day.  Yesterday evening, I noticed the cars with headlights on for the first time since we  have been here.

The sun shone brightly for most of the day and the men were able to get the other half of the roof on and black papered too.  It is an good day when there is no rain, especially when working on a slippery roof!!

    Hang on guys!

Ron is wiring the whole building.  Bless his heart, he is working all by himself. 

Glen was on the ground cutting the boards that was needed for the guys on the roof.  He also made the spindles for the deck.

    Looks like is one job finished.

It is now 4:00 pm and the boss man just announced "we are on vacation!"  Yes,  we are going to take a few days off and see a little bit of this beautiful state and the wonders that our God has created. 

If I have cell service, I may get to blog, but if not, I will post when we get back!

Please pray for travel safety and it would be so nice to have clear skies.


  1. Have a great "vacation"!! Love you!!

  2. Oops. I see a grammatical error. Do you? I may be able to edit, but if I do, you won't read closely to find the error. Haha
