Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday June 5, 2011

We visited First Assembly of God Church in Chandler, OK.  It is a very friendly church and we had wonderful services.  Our first greeter was a gentleman in a golf cart asking us if we needed a ride from the parking lot.  Drove us to the door....Oh what great service.

Sunday morning the pastor had all the children to go up on the platform.  It was BGMC day.  BGMC is the program that the children give to missions. The children are taught early to give.  They have a great group of children. The pic is fuzzy but I didn't want to use my flash.

Glenn is helping prepare the Royal Ranger camp for this upcoming week-ends PowWow. They have a very nice campground for the boys.

After the evening service, the Royal Rangers had a fund raiser to send boys that do not have funds to go to camp.  They also had a pie auction and raised a good amount of funds.

Glenn can never pass up an opportunity to help out the Royal Ranger's so of course we bid on my favorite--a pecan pie.  One expensive pie but it all goes to a good cause.

It is very delicious.

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