Sunday, April 28, 2019

Adventures With Ruby

We took a little detour on our way West. I use to live in Brownfield, TX so it was interesting to me to pay a visit. 

Actually, I lived in Brownfield twice. Once when I was around 5 or 6, moved away, then moved back around 8 or 9. 

Dad pastored in this church, if I'm not mistaken. I seem to remember the front. But again this may not be the building. However,  I seem to remember the cross in front. So many years ago. 

 Dad built a church somewhere around 1959. Not sure of the year but I remember I was around 9 or 10 years old. 

The front has been added on to so it does look different. It also looks smaller than I remember but the church (not the same denomination) that is there now, has kept it up. 

It was interesting to look around town.  Of course all small Western towns have a Town square.....

....and a grain elevator.